Daily Capricorn Horoscope July 15 (15/07)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

July 15


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

You appear to want stability or security in a particular area yet are inviting more uncertainty and volatility by pushing yourself to take on more responsibility in some way. A sense of reassurance you want or need will come from accepting what is and isnt within your capability. This is especially true if youre absorbing responsibility that ought to be someone elses to shoulder. Maximize your focus on what you are doing well and can deliver with no question.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

A helpful and timely shift is occurring involving hesitancy and trepidation being replaced with a growing sense of confidence. Perhaps, knowing where you stand with a certain person or organization is integral to this happening. Youre focused increasingly on what can be done rather than what has been met with a proverbial brick wall so far. Any new possibilities that inspire you need to be looked at more closely and pursued with all your heart!


summary capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Cautiousness being applied to a certain area of your world could transform into stubbornness and you might need to be realistic and honest with yourself about your reasons for digging your heels in. You might believe someone wants something to be entirely their way and your lack of cooperation could cause you to be seen to be adopting a similar attitude. This stalemate can be broken but it will require a bit more flexibility and a lot less hesitation and trepidation on your part.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to consider a new or possibly second income stream and you can bring a greater sense of financial stability and security by applying your talents in new ways. Its the Full Moon in your sign on the 9th that brings much-needed clarity where releasing someone or something holding you back and delaying progress is concerned. Its time to break free from a hindrance or drain on your efforts and resources. One commitment near month end might make a dent in your bank balance but any worry will be short-lived.


health capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Today you may feel a shift in your ability to center yourself and practice a healthful routine. The celestial energies increase your ability to sense your emotions, however, you may be left with feelings of ambivalence. You have a tendency to drop a practice when you don\t get an answer quickly, but this would be foolish right now! If you went to yoga class yesterday, great! Go again today. If today is your first class in a while, just going will help a lot.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today provides a wonderful transit for you. You will be able to notice what you are ready to get rid of - certain behavior patterns, old food in the cupboards, and old clothes in the closet. Even some relationships may reveal themselves to be unhealthy and outgrown. You can gain a lot by giving up the old and outdated. Take stock of your life - get rid of what doesn\t work for you and create room for all that is new.


health capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You might be moved to explore new ideas and theories about all aspects of health and wellness. There\s always something new to learn. You might serendipitously find a book that contains some important information. It could revolutionize how you feel. You\ll know it when you see it. Trust your intuition. Joining online groups and forums may also prove helpful.


health capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

If the tendency over recent weeks has been to enjoy yourself to the max, then the coming weeks could see you taking a more disciplined approach to clean living. But with Venus moving into your lifestyle sector, on July 4, you might want to do this with others. Inviting friends to join you on jogs or perhaps to cook healthier foods can keep you on track. If youre eager to get fit and toned, it might also be because a key relationship demands it. If youre newly in love, its only natural to want to look and feel your best.


love capricorn daily

Star 8/10

Today\s astral configuration is the perfect cosmic influence for a wonderful romantic evening with a loved one. If you have been waiting for the opportunity to spend a little time with them after a particularly busy spell, then this is the right time to do so. Make a wonderful meal, stay in and be cozy, or get out, go to a dance - either way, enjoy each other\s company.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

The current aspect may take some of the subtlety out of romance today, especially as the person you have recently become involved with is not only very strong-willed, but also determined to have things go according to their way of thinking. You will need to show that you can be just as determined by discussing how you see things, and making sure they understand your point.


love capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You have excellent earning potential or an already healthy bank account, and that might be what (partly) attracts people to you at the start of the week. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to spoil someone youre interested in, but make sure it isnt only about the money. You dont want to appear emotionally weak over the weekend, but even you have your limits. Why not let them see you cry?


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

A Capricorn Full Moon on July 9 puts a serious focus on your love life. Now that one phase has ended, youre free to set new (and preferably long-term) goals. Powerful Mars enters extroverted Leo on July 20, meaning passion and a desire for adventurous affairs drive the next six weeks. You can never let yourself act completely without thinking, but youre less prone to fussing over the details. You take your time communicating when Mercury enters earthy Virgo on July 25. Youd rather take an hour to respond to a text than hit send prematurely. Messages full of spelling and grammar errors are unacceptable.


career capricorn daily

Star 9/10

Your words are likely to have a harsh edge to them so be careful. You may think that your banter is witty and clever, but other people may find it to be harsh and offensive. Try not to make enemies in the workplace. Make friends instead.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Other people\s indecisiveness may hold you back today. You are waiting to hear from someone else before you can make your next big move. Don\t worry about it. You are better off waiting until you get this information instead of moving ahead.


career capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

This is a positive time to enjoy a feeling of greater balance and happiness on the job. Take some time to sort through e-mails and other work-related paperwork. The more organized you can be, the more efficient you can be. A challenging situation will demand that you take responsibility and stand your ground. Don\t be afraid to say what you think. This period can bring career opportunities, especially if you trust your intuition.


career capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

You could rise to the top of your profession in early July. The days around July 9 could mark a celebration in your honor. Get ready for your closeup! If youre leaving a position youve held for years, dont be too quick to move into a new role. You will fare better if you take some time to reflect on where you would like to be in the next year. On July 23, you could receive a handsome bonus or dividend for a job well done. Use this money to go on a luxurious vacation at the end of the month. You have earned it!



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